And He Was given 42 Months to Continue

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The Bible prophecies about the end times tell us how long the Antichrist will rule. Revelation 13 says that period will be 42 months:

And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months (Revelation 13:5).

The 42 months that the Antichrist have authority is the same time period that the little horn power will have authority in Daniel 7:25, because the little horn of Daniel 7 and the beast of Revelation 13 are the same power.

Time, times and half a time, 42 months, and 1260 days are all the same time period written in different forms. This can be deduced from Hebrew parallelism.

Every time the Bible mentions this prophetic period it refers to the Papacy. As prophetic days symbolize actual years, this 1260-year period began in 538 AD when the Papacy established itself as the ruling religious power, and ended in 1798 when the Papacy appeared to receive a deadly wound.

This article is adapted from Truth Matters by Professor Walter J. Veith, an international speaker who has studied Biblical issues in-depth in his quest for truth. His popular series Genesis Conflict brings the debate between Creation and evolution to a new climax as he dissects the arguments with a scientific eye. His highly-acclaimed series Total Onslaught sheds light on the state of the world today as we move to a one-world government and an anticipated apocalypse.

Disclaimer: The contents of this article and website are not intended to accuse individuals. There are many priests and faithful believers in Roman Catholicism who serve God to the best of their ability and are seen by God as His children. The information contained herein is directed only towards the Roman Catholic religio-political system that has reigned in varying degrees of power for nearly two millennia. Under the influence of its successive popes, bishops, and cardinals, this system has established an increasing number of doctrines and statements that clearly go against Scripture.

 It is our sincere desire to lay the clear Word of God before you, the truth-seeking reader, so you may decide for yourself what is truth and what is error. If you find herein anything contrary to the Word of God, you need not accept it. But if you desire to seek for Truth as for hidden treasure, and find herein something of that quality, we encourage you to make all haste to accept that Truth which is revealed to you by the Holy Spirit.

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