How Much Is It to Ship a 30 Pound Package
This article has been updated to reflect 2021 United States Postal Service parcel select ground rates , which went into effect on January 27, 2021.
We're continuing our breakdowns of the 2021 USPS parcel select rate changes (view our complete overview here). Here we're covering the not-often used 2021 Parcel Select Ground shipping postage rates. We'll dive a little into what this shipping method is, what the rate changes are, and why some who use this method might be looking for better USPS rates. You'll also find a full table of the 2021 Parcel Select shipping rates so you can begin doing your research.
What is USPS Parcel Select Ground?
USPS Parcel Select Ground is one of the least expensive but slowest USPS services offered. If a definitive delivery date or timeline is not necessary, Parcel Select Ground is a cost-effective way to ship. Domestic delivery averages 2-8 business days, but this method does not come with a guarantee. Delivery times could vary and may be delayed. Like most other USPS shipping methods now, USPS Parcel Select Ground shipping rates are determined by weight and zone-based distance the package is traveling. Though this method comes with free delivery confirmation, there is an added fee for insurance, adult signature, and signature confirmation.
Save yourself the time and effort searching for the cheapest way to ship—let shipping software like ShippingEasy do it for you!
The maximum weight for Parcel Select Ground is 70 lbs. Pieces exceeding 108 inches, but not more than 130 inches in combined length and girth, are mailable at the Parcel Select Ground oversized price for the zone to which addressed. Those that exceed the maximum allowed size may be subject to a surcharge. For packages that measure larger than one cubic foot, dimensional weight will also apply.
2021 USPS Parcel Select Ground Shipping Rates
Below is a table showing the 2021 Parcel Select Ground shipping rates that went into effect January 27, 2021. Changes range from reductions up to 34 cents to increases up to $7.65. The following table also serves as a USPS Parcel Select Ground rates calculator.
Parcel Select (wt. not over) | Zones 1 & 2 | Zone 3 | Zone 4 | Zone 5 | Zone 6 | Zone 7 | Zone 8 | Zone 9 |
1 lb | $7.01 | $7.31 | $7.52 | $7.63 | $7.84 | $7.97 | $8.15 | $8.15 |
2 lb | $7.59 | $7.76 | $8.04 | $8.55 | $9.79 | $10.26 | $10.79 | $10.79 |
3 lb | $7.75 | $8.10 | $8.47 | $9.29 | $11.80 | $13.00 | $15.05 | $15.05 |
4 lb | $7.85 | $8.33 | $8.96 | $10.08 | $13.90 | $15.68 | $17.56 | $17.56 |
5 lb | $7.95 | $8.38 | $9.28 | $11.35 | $15.97 | $18.19 | $20.56 | $20.56 |
6 lb | $8.06 | $8.42 | $9.39 | $13.97 | $18.49 | $21.42 | $24.35 | $24.35 |
7 lb | $8.33 | $9.68 | $9.73 | $16.03 | $20.33 | $23.84 | $27.08 | $27.08 |
8 lb | $8.39 | $10.18 | $11.55 | $17.54 | $22.44 | $26.41 | $30.64 | $30.64 |
9 lb | $9.25 | $10.58 | $12.05 | $18.84 | $24.52 | $28.73 | $34.27 | $34.27 |
10 lb | $9.65 | $11.04 | $12.15 | $20.46 | $26.55 | $31.63 | $37.27 | $37.27 |
11 lb | $11.65 | $14.04 | $15.09 | $23.61 | $30.62 | $37.05 | $42.80 | $42.80 |
12 lb | $12.40 | $14.97 | $17.66 | $25.34 | $33.54 | $40.10 | $46.10 | $46.10 |
13 lb | $13.07 | $15.86 | $18.51 | $26.73 | $35.55 | $41.25 | $46.95 | $46.95 |
14 lb | $13.77 | $16.76 | $19.52 | $28.33 | $37.60 | $43.50 | $49.40 | $49.40 |
15 lb | $14.32 | $17.67 | $20.49 | $29.82 | $39.40 | $45.10 | $50.80 | $50.80 |
16 lb | $14.97 | $18.82 | $21.84 | $31.63 | $41.65 | $47.65 | $53.85 | $53.85 |
17 lb | $15.46 | $19.71 | $22.90 | $33.21 | $43.95 | $50.25 | $56.75 | $56.75 |
18 lb | $15.78 | $20.33 | $23.96 | $34.73 | $46.20 | $52.90 | $59.80 | $59.80 |
19 lb | $16.15 | $20.82 | $24.52 | $35.66 | $47.25 | $54.00 | $60.95 | $60.95 |
20 lb | $16.81 | $21.15 | $25.02 | $36.33 | $48.90 | $56.40 | $64.10 | $64.10 |
21 lb | $17.57 | $21.67 | $25.61 | $36.99 | $49.75 | $57.50 | $65.55 | $65.55 |
22 lb | $18.14 | $22.27 | $26.48 | $37.74 | $50.95 | $59.00 | $67.15 | $67.15 |
23 lb | $18.70 | $22.81 | $27.13 | $38.44 | $51.72 | $59.89 | $68.35 | $68.35 |
24 lb | $19.48 | $23.80 | $28.70 | $39.97 | $52.85 | $61.50 | $70.15 | $70.15 |
25 lb | $20.25 | $24.66 | $30.55 | $41.34 | $53.65 | $62.80 | $71.45 | $71.45 |
26 lb | $21.51 | $26.47 | $33.79 | $43.58 | $54.99 | $64.60 | $73.70 | $73.70 |
27 lb | $22.82 | $27.69 | $35.88 | $47.55 | $55.75 | $66.24 | $76.45 | $76.45 |
28 lb | $23.53 | $28.06 | $36.91 | $48.81 | $56.53 | $67.83 | $79.50 | $79.50 |
29 lb | $24.27 | $28.35 | $37.92 | $49.47 | $57.50 | $69.43 | $81.75 | $81.75 |
30 lb | $25.00 | $28.77 | $38.82 | $50.15 | $59.15 | $71.00 | $83.50 | $83.50 |
31 lb | $25.72 | $29.06 | $39.44 | $50.80 | $60.03 | $72.61 | $85.45 | $85.45 |
32 lb | $26.02 | $29.69 | $40.10 | $51.40 | $60.83 | $74.22 | $87.00 | $87.00 |
33 lb | $26.43 | $30.52 | $41.11 | $52.09 | $62.04 | $75.79 | $88.80 | $88.80 |
34 lb | $26.68 | $31.33 | $42.17 | $53.23 | $63.55 | $77.39 | $90.55 | $90.55 |
35 lb | $26.98 | $32.08 | $42.78 | $54.37 | $65.29 | $78.98 | $91.95 | $91.95 |
36 lb | $27.32 | $33.03 | $43.35 | $55.56 | $66.97 | $80.08 | $93.60 | $93.60 |
37 lb | $27.61 | $33.65 | $43.98 | $56.56 | $68.76 | $81.13 | $95.20 | $95.20 |
38 lb | $27.89 | $34.48 | $44.54 | $57.70 | $70.71 | $82.08 | $96.80 | $96.80 |
39 lb | $28.16 | $35.30 | $45.06 | $58.91 | $72.42 | $84.30 | $98.30 | $98.30 |
40 lb | $28.46 | $36.05 | $45.65 | $60.15 | $73.60 | $86.23 | $99.70 | $99.70 |
41 lb | $28.77 | $36.66 | $46.14 | $60.69 | $74.87 | $88.11 | $101.30 | $101.30 |
42 lb | $28.99 | $36.94 | $46.55 | $61.72 | $76.21 | $89.34 | $102.60 | $102.60 |
43 lb | $29.33 | $37.22 | $46.97 | $62.75 | $78.07 | $90.48 | $103.70 | $103.70 |
44 lb | $29.54 | $37.49 | $47.38 | $63.77 | $79.33 | $91.58 | $105.20 | $105.20 |
45 lb | $29.73 | $37.76 | $47.81 | $64.81 | $80.23 | $92.59 | $106.50 | $106.50 |
46 lb | $30.00 | $38.04 | $48.23 | $65.84 | $81.14 | $93.61 | $107.75 | $107.75 |
47 lb | $30.22 | $38.31 | $48.64 | $66.87 | $82.00 | $94.70 | $109.05 | $109.05 |
48 lb | $30.48 | $38.59 | $49.06 | $67.89 | $83.07 | $95.63 | $110.15 | $110.15 |
49 lb | $30.72 | $38.85 | $49.48 | $68.92 | $84.23 | $96.65 | $111.25 | $111.25 |
50 lb | $30.85 | $39.12 | $49.90 | $69.96 | $85.43 | $97.90 | $112.45 | $112.45 |
51 lb | $31.31 | $39.40 | $50.29 | $71.16 | $86.62 | $99.33 | $113.55 | $113.55 |
52 lb | $31.78 | $39.68 | $50.71 | $71.67 | $87.47 | $100.86 | $114.85 | $114.85 |
53 lb | $32.38 | $39.94 | $51.13 | $72.26 | $88.22 | $102.54 | $116.35 | $116.35 |
54 lb | $32.86 | $40.23 | $51.54 | $72.89 | $88.86 | $104.04 | $118.05 | $118.05 |
55 lb | $33.38 | $40.49 | $51.96 | $73.35 | $89.61 | $105.72 | $119.60 | $119.60 |
56 lb | $33.85 | $40.77 | $52.38 | $73.91 | $90.21 | $107.20 | $120.85 | $120.85 |
57 lb | $34.39 | $41.04 | $52.80 | $74.35 | $90.91 | $107.90 | $121.70 | $121.70 |
58 lb | $34.92 | $41.31 | $53.21 | $74.83 | $91.46 | $108.90 | $122.75 | $122.75 |
59 lb | $35.43 | $41.59 | $53.62 | $75.29 | $91.98 | $109.60 | $123.65 | $123.65 |
60 lb | $35.88 | $41.86 | $54.03 | $75.71 | $92.45 | $110.30 | $124.45 | $124.45 |
61 lb | $36.47 | $42.12 | $54.45 | $76.09 | $92.97 | $111.60 | $126.20 | $126.20 |
62 lb | $36.92 | $42.40 | $54.86 | $76.43 | $93.41 | $112.96 | $128.30 | $128.30 |
63 lb | $37.60 | $42.68 | $55.29 | $76.84 | $93.95 | $113.51 | $130.40 | $130.40 |
64 lb | $37.93 | $42.94 | $55.70 | $77.18 | $94.38 | $114.04 | $132.45 | $132.45 |
65 lb | $38.49 | $43.22 | $56.13 | $77.42 | $94.66 | $114.62 | $134.45 | $134.45 |
66 lb | $39.00 | $43.50 | $56.53 | $77.77 | $95.14 | $114.97 | $136.60 | $136.60 |
67 lb | $39.59 | $43.77 | $57.50 | $78.05 | $95.45 | $115.44 | $138.35 | $138.35 |
68 lb | $40.06 | $44.04 | $58.23 | $78.27 | $96.67 | $116.05 | $139.85 | $139.85 |
69 lb | $40.61 | $44.32 | $58.98 | $78.50 | $97.85 | $116.60 | $141.35 | $141.35 |
70 lb | $41.04 | $44.59 | $59.92 | $78.75 | $99.05 | $117.03 | $142.95 | $142.95 |
Oversized | $80.00 | $101.70 | $123.45 | $144.90 | $166.60 | $188.25 | $210.00 | $210.00 |
Ship lighter packages under 1 lb.? Read the full breakdown of First Class shipping rates changes.
When should I use USPS Parcel Select Ground, if at all?
To answer this question, you'll want to be sure to compare USPS Parcel Select Ground rates to other applicable shipping methods. In the case of shipping items that must go ground, such as restricted items, it might be your only option. Compared to Priority Mail, even with the decreased USPS Parcel Select Ground rates this year, the cost difference may not outweigh the short turnaround, more guaranteed delivery window, and general reliability of Priority Mail. The only area you see a major difference is packages going to Zone 9. For example:
- Zones 1-8: Parcel Select can save you around $0.15 – approximately $5 per package, some instances of which may not be worth losing out on the benefits that Priority Mail offers merchants.
- Zone 9 (and some heavier Zone 8): Zone 9 and some in the heavier Zone 8 range are the main areas where merchants would see much savings. That being said, it's not often that merchants will be shipping to Zone 9 locations, so this may be a moot point.
For example, the cost difference using USPS Parcel Select vs Priority Mail for a 50 lb package:
- Going to Zone 7: -$2.00
- Going to Zone 8: -$6.03
- Going to Zone 9: -$95.01
Most of the time, however, you won't find enough savings beyond Priority Mail to justify losing out on the many benefits that are typically worth paying a few cents more for.
That said, you have to weigh the options of slower delivery, no guaranteed window, and the use of ground shipping rather than air. Ground inherently opens the opportunity for more jarring, bouncing, and jostling around of packages. It may not be worth the added risk, but it's an option in the right situation.
It is unlikely you'll use USPS Parcel Select Ground postal service when there are more reliable shipping services available, but it's important to know your options. It is also worth noting that Parcel Select Ground shipping labels include free USPS tracking so you can easily ensure your orders arrive safely with your order tracking number. Be sure to read up on our full overview of everything that changed on January 27, 2021, when the new USPS Parcel Select Ground prices went into effect. We'll be here to help answer any questions, and our platform is here to help you make the most cost-effective shipping choices!
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How Much Is It to Ship a 30 Pound Package
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